I'm so delighted to be included in the
Thankful at Home Tour.
From November 4th through the 8th, 25 bloggers will be sharing ways in which they add personal touches to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Speaking of gratitude, a big thank you to Julie of Lilacs and Longhorns and Kelly of My Soulful Home for organizing this tour!
Don't Miss a thing!
Click Here for a complete list of participating blogs.
As part of the tour, I thought I'd share a quick and easy DIY that won't take too much time away from the turkey
While Thanksgiving is a holiday which focuses on traditions, sometimes adding a new element can create wonderful new memories to accompany the time honored turkey and pumpkin pie.
With a few simple supplies you can add a little glow to your holiday decor while letting friends and relatives take a moment to express a personal timely message of thankfulness and maybe even start a new holiday tradition.
Clear clean jars in any size or a variety of sizes
I had some mason jars and also reused tomato sauce and baby food jars (we had an aged cat who ate baby food)
(*With baby food jars make sure votive fits properly inside some have smaller openings)
Assorted light colored scrapbook or white paper cut to the appropriate size(s)
Faux leaves, ribbon or twine
Decorative accents
Flameless votives
Basic art supplies
While kitchen duties, football, conversation and catching up often keep many revellers busy on Thanksgiving, a decorating station set up in a quiet area with precut paper strips and simple art supplies, allows guests to come and go and get creative at their own pace.
Laying a sheet of freezer paper down first prevents oopses on your furniture
I slipped a swatch of ivory burlap under the glass of a thrift store frame and penned a sharpie (easily erasable) message for inspiration.
In keeping with the season, I chose scrapbook paper with Autumn tones, family themes and nature inspired patterns

Oh so basic supplies include: sparkly gel pens, colored pencils, markers, scissors and glue sticks
tarnished pieces from an old tea set and a rustic basket keep supplies in easy reach.
Last years DIY burlap banner adds a festive touch
Simply have guests write their name,
date, and a quick word or phrase on the cut paper strips or let we artsy types create an image representing something we are grateful for, anything from serious or sentimental to silly.
Once done, slip paper into the jar, pop in a flameless votive and replace lid.
I spruced up the lids ahead of time with some simple faux leaves, rustic natural accents and hot glue and spritzed a few with hammered metallic spray paint
As daylight wanes and plates are cleared (weather permitting) lanterns can be displayed outside on a patio....
inside on a windowsill,
or mantel,
or hung from a porch or tree
If planning to hang lanterns you can place a loop of twine over jar opening and carefully screw on lid, securing in place or attach hanger using a strong glue or alternately wrap with wire.
Wishing Everyone a
Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
and for foreign PennyWise readers and friends
a Happy Fall!
Pennywise Tips
After the holiday, if desired, you can remove and keep gratitude messages and place in a scrapbook or keepsake box, reusing jars for next year.
Have fun seeing how the messages change from year to year.
Or send guests home with their lanterns as a memorable favor
Assign Kids or bored Tweens the job of helping to assemble and hang or display jars
For more Thanksgiving projects and ideas pop over and visit